News from Freestays

New hotels with All Inclusive now available in Turkey

New hotels with All Inclusive now available in Turkey

"Get ready to immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of Turkey with our brand-new hotels! Our Freestays properties are the perfect launching pad for your adventure, offering luxurious accommodations and unbeatable locations to[...]
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New hotels in Spain

New hotels in Spain

"Get ready to fall head over heels in love with Spain! Our new hotels in this stunning country are now offering Freestays, the ultimate way to experience la vida loca! Imagine waking up in a luxurious room, surrounded by the sun-kissed[...]
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New hotels at the Canary Islands

New hotels at the Canary Islands

"Get ready to escape to a tropical paradise! We're thrilled to introduce our brand new hotels in the breathtaking Canary Islands, where you can indulge in sun-kissed beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush volcanic landscapes. And to[...]
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New hotels at the Balearen Islands

New hotels at the Balearen Islands

"Get ready to escape to the breathtakingly beautiful Balearen Islands, where crystal-clear waters lap against powdery white sand beaches and ancient stone villages perch precariously on rugged coastlines. We're thrilled to announce[...]
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A Seaside Reset in Laguna Beach

A Seaside Reset in Laguna Beach

"Step into the festive wonderland of Laguna Beach, where the sun-kissed shores meet the magic of the holiday season. The iconic Main Beach is transformed into a dazzling spectacle of twinkling lights, while the town's vibrant community[...]
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Showing 1 - 5 of 5 posts