General Questions

  What should I do if I encounter an issue during my stay?

Contact the hotel’s front desk for immediate assistance. If the issue remains
unresolved, reach out to Freestays customer service.

  How do I contact Freestays customer service?

You can contact us via email at

  What should I bring for check-in?

Please ensure you have your valid ID, booking confirmation, and Freestays voucher with you.

  Is there a minimum stay requirement?

Some hotels may have minimum stay requirements. This information will be available for you.

  Can I combine my stay with other promotions?

Freestays vouchers cannot be combined with other promotions or discounts.

  Are there blackout dates?

Some hotels may have blackout dates, so make sure to check the hotel's availability during your planned stay."

  What if I have a special request for my stay?

Feel free to make any specific requests during the booking process or get in touch with the hotel directly.

  Are there specific check-in and check-out times?

The amenities vary by hotel and are listed in your booking confirmation.

  Can I leave feedback about my stay?

Please log in to your account to leave a review of your stay.

  How can I subscribe to the Freestays newsletter?

Subscribe to receive updates and special offers on the website.

  What should I do if I encounter an issue during my stay?

Contact the hotel’s front desk first. If unresolved, contact Freestays customer service.

  Can I earn loyalty points with Freestays?

Freestays does not currently offer a loyalty program, but check back for future

  How do I find the best deals on

Check our "Offers" section regularly and subscribe to our newsletter for exclusive

  Is there a mobile app for Freestays?

Freestays does not currently offer a mobile app. Bookings can be made through our

  What languages are supported by Freestays customer service?

Customer service is available in multiple languages including English, Dutch,
German, French, and Turkish. These FAQs cover many topics and should
help address many common inquiries for customers. Please visit the website or contact their customer service for more detailed information.


Hotel and Room Information

  What should I do if my room is not as described?

Contact the hotel’s front desk immediately. If the issue is not resolved, contact
Freestays customer service.

  Are there accessible rooms available?

Yes, many hotels offer accessible rooms. Check the hotel's amenities during booking
or contact the hotel directly.

  Can I request extra amenities (e.g., cribs, rollaway beds)?

Yes, request these amenities during booking or by contacting the hotel directly.

  Is room service included in my stay?

Room service is not included in the voucher and is an additional charge.

  Are there laundry facilities available at the hotel?


Many hotels offer laundry services. Check the hotel's amenities or inquire at the front

  Can I bring outside food and drinks into my room?

The policies differ by hotel. Please contact the hotel directly for clarification.

  Is Wi-Fi included in my stay?

Most hotels offer free Wi-Fi. Please check the hotel's amenities for more details.

  What is the policy on smoking in rooms?

This varies by hotel. Most hotels have designated smoking and non-smoking rooms. 

  Are toiletries provided in the rooms?

Yes, most hotels provide basic toiletries. Check the hotel’s amenities for specifics.

  Can I upgrade my room after booking?


Upgrades are subject to availability and may incur additional charges. Contact the
hotel directly.


Booking and Reservations

  How do I make a booking with

Visit our website, choose your destination and hotel, and complete the booking process using a valid Freestays voucher.

  Can I book multiple rooms with one voucher?

Each voucher is valid for one room. If you need multiple rooms, you’ll need additional vouchers.

  How can I cancel or modify my reservation?

You can cancel or modify your reservation through our website or by contacting customer service. Cancellation policies vary by hotel and are outlined in your booking confirmation.

  What is the latest I can book a room?

You can book a room up to 24 hours before your intended check-in, subject to availability.

  Can I book a room for someone else using my voucher?

Yes, you can book a room for another person, but make sure theirhose provided at check-in. details match t

  Payment and Charges What is included in the cost of my stay?

The room is complimentary with a Freestays voucher. You only need to pay for breakfast and dinner, which must be settled directly with the hotel upon check-in.

  Are there any hidden fees?

No hidden fees; however, extra charges may apply for services like room service, minibar, or additional amenities, payable directly to the hotel.

  Do I need a credit card to make a booking?

Yes, a valid credit card is required to secure your booking. This card may also be used for any additional charges during your stay. We also offer IDEAL payments.

  Is my payment information secure? utilizes secure encryption technology to safeguard your payment information.

  What amenities are included in my room?

Amenities vary by hotel, but typically include complimentary Wi-Fi, air conditioning, satellite TV, and a private bathroom. Specific amenities can be found on the hotel’s page.

  Can I request a specific type of room or bed?

Special requests such as room type or bed preference can be made during booking.requests are subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed. However, these 

  Are meals included in my stay?

Breakfast and dinner are mandatory purchases during your complimentary stay, payable directly to the hotel. However, with the discount voucher, you receive a discount on the room price, and there is no obligation for breakfast and/or dinner.

  Is parking available at the hotel?

Many of our partner hotels offer complimentary parking. Please refer to the hotel's details on our website for specific information.

  Can I bring my pet?

Pet policies vary by hotel. Please ensure to check the specific policy of the hotel before making a booking. Voucher Information

  How do I use my Freestays voucher?

Enter your voucher code when booking to apply the value to your room rate.

  Can I use more than one voucher per stay?

No, only one voucher can be used per stay.

  What if my voucher is about to expire?

Please make sure to use the vouchers before the expiration date as extensions are generally not allowed.

  How do I check the status of my reservation?

Vouchers are non-refundable; however, they are transferable, so you can give them to someone else.

  How do I check the status of my reservation?

Log in to your account and go to "My Bookings" to check the status of your reservations.

  Can I book a stay without a Freestays voucher?

Yes, but you need a valid Freestays voucher to book free rooms or get a discount on our platform. 

  What happens if the hotel I booked is overbooked?

Please contact Freestays customer service immediately. We will assist you in finding alternative accommodation.

  How do I know if my booking is confirmed?

You will receive a confirmation email with your booking details. You can also check your booking status in your account.

  Can I book for a large group?

Yes, but you will need multiple vouchers. Please contact our customer service for assistance with group bookings.

  Is there a minimum age requirement for booking?

The main guest needs to be at least 18 years old.

  How can I extend my stay?

Contact the hotel directly to inquire about availability for an extended stay. You may require an additional voucher.

  What should I do if I lose my voucher?

"Please contact Freestays customer service for assistance in retrieving your voucher information."

  Can I book last-minute stays?

Yes, subject to availability. Ensure you have a valid voucher and check availability on our website.

  How do I find out about special offers or promotions?

Make sure to sign up for our newsletter and regularly check the "Offers" section on our website.

  Can I book a hotel for the same day?

Same-day bookings are possible, depending on availability.

  Do I receive a booking confirmation via email?

Yes, a confirmation email will be sent once your booking is completed. If you don't see it, please check your spam/junk folder.

  Can I make a reservation without creating an account?


Yes, can book without creating an acYes, you can book without creating an account. We will save your data subject to the booking you make.

  How can I retrieve my booking details if I lose the confirmation email?

Please log in to your Freestays account and go to "My Bookings" to view your booking history.

  How do I know if my booking has special requirements or restrictions?

Please take note of the following: Any specific requirements or restrictions will be detailed in the booking confirmation.

  What happens if I arrive late at the hotel?

Inform the hotel of your late arrival to ensure your room is reserved for you.

  Can I specify my check-in and check-out times?

Standard check-in and check-out times apply. Early check-in or late check-out are available upon request, subject to availability.

  How do I change the name on my booking?

Please contact customer service to update the name on your booking."

  What should I do if I miss my check-in date?

Contact the hotel as soon as possible, as policies for no-shows may differ from one hotel to another.

Payment and Charges

  What forms of payment are accepted for meals and additional charges?

Most hotels accept credit cards, debit cards, and cash. Check with the specific hotel for
their accepted payment methods.

  Are there any taxes or additional fees I should be aware of?

Local taxes and fees may be applicable, depending on the hotel and location. These will be specified during the booking process.

  How do I receive an invoice for my stay?

The hotel will issue an invoice for your meals and any additional charges upon request during check-out.

  Can I prepay for meals and services?

Prepayment policies differ among hotels. Please get in touch with the hotel directly to ask about prepayment options.

  What happens if there are issues with my payment?

Please contact the hotel's front desk or Freestays customer service for assistance.

  Is there a security deposit required at check-in?

Some hotels may require a security deposit. This information will be provided during the booking process.

  Can I use multiple payment methods for one stay? 

Most hotels accept multiple payment methods. Please verify this with the hotel during check-in.

  What should I do if I am charged incorrectly?

Please make sure to contact the hotel's front desk right away if you have any issues that need to be resolved.

  Are there discounts for longer stays?

Consider contacting hotels directly to inquire about potential discounts for longer stays.

  How are refunds processed?

Refunds are processed in accordance with the hotel's policy and may take several days to appear in your account.

  Are there additional costs for amenities like Wi-Fi or parking?

Most hotels provide basic amenities during your stay; please review specific hotel policies for any additional costs.


  How do I pay for additional services during my stay?

Please note that any additional services will be paid directly to the hotel, typically at the time of check-out.

  Can I split the bill for my stay with another guest?

Yes, but please confirm this with the hotel at check-in.

  Is it possible to get a detailed receipt for my stay?

Make sure to ask the hotel for at when you check out. detailed receip

  What happens if there are payment issues at check-in?

If you have any issues with payment, please contact Freestays customer service or your bank for assistance.

  Can I pay for my stay using a company credit card?

Yes, but make sure to provide and authorize the cardholder’s details for the booking. Hotel and Room Information

  Are there family rooms available?

Remember to check if the hotel offers family rooms and its amenities before making a booking.

  What is the maximum occupancy per room?

The maximum number of people allowed in each room type and hotel may differ. Please verify during the booking process.

  Do hotels offer babysitting services?

Some hotels offer babysitting services. Please contact the hotel directly to inquire about this service.

  Can I get an airport shuttle service?

Remember to check if the hotel offers airport shuttle services by reviewing the hotel's amenities or contacting them directly.

  What if I need a hypoallergenic room?

Please don't forget to request hypoallergenic rooms when making your booking. However, please note that availability depends on the hotel.

  Can I request a room with a specific view?

Special requests for room views can be made, but they are subject to availability.

  Are there fitness facilities at the hotel?

Make sure to check the hotel's amenities section as many hotels offer fitness facilities.

  Can I get a room with a kitchenette?

Some hotels provide rooms with kitchenettes. Remember to review the hotel's amenities when making a booking.

  Are there safety deposit boxes in the rooms?

Make sure to inquire about the availability of safety deposit boxes when booking a hotel room.


Voucher Information

  How do I know the value of my voucher?

The value of vouchers is determined at the time of purchase and can be found in your Freestays account.

  What if my voucher is lost or stolen?

Please report the loss to Freestays customer service for assistance.

  Can I use a voucher for multiple stays?

Each voucher is valid for one stay only.

  How do I redeem a voucher?

Make sure to enter the voucher code when you make a booking on

  Can vouchers be combined with other discounts?

Sorry, vouchers cannot be combined with any other promotions or discounts.

  Are there any restrictions on transferring vouchers?

Ensure the recipient’s details are correctly updated during the booking process.

  Can I extend the validity of my voucher?

The voucher cannot be extended and must be used before the expiration date.

  What if my voucher code does not work?

Contact Freestays customer service for assistance with voucher issues.

  Are vouchers available for corporate purchases?

Feel free to get in touch with Freestays customer service if you need to buy vouchers in bulk or for corporate purposes.

Additional Questions

  How do I handle special medical needs during my stay?

Please make sure to inform the hotel of any special medical needs when booking or during check-in.

  Can I arrange for a late check-out?

Late check-out requests are based on availability and may result in extra charges.

  Are there multilingual staff at the hotels?

It's a good idea to check the hotel's amenities for details about whether they have multilingual staff.

  What should I do if there is an emergency during my stay?

Remember the following information: CONTACT the hotel's front desk immediately. In case of serious emergencies, CALL local emergency services.

  Can I book multiple rooms under one account?

Yes, you will need separate vouchers for each room."

  Are there any special packages or deals for holidays?

Make sure to visit the "Offers" section on our website for holiday packages and special deals.

  How do I update my personal information in my Freestays account?

Remember to log in to your account and then navigate to "Account Settings" in order to update your information.

  What is Freestays’ cancellation policy?

The cancellation policies differe hotel and will be provided in your booking confirmation. depending on th

  How do I sign up for Freestays?

Visit and click on "Sign Up" to create an account."

  Can I book accommodation for longer stays (e.g., month-long stays)?

For longer stays, please reach out to customer service to make special arrangements and to get information about voucher requirements.

  How do I purchase a Freestays voucher?

You can buy vouchers directly on the website.

  Can I transfer my voucher to someone else?

Yes, vouchers can be transferred. Make sure to update the new guest's details when booking.

  How do I check the validity of my voucher?

Log in to your account and check the "My Vouchers" section for validity details.

  Can I combine multiple vouchers for a longer stay?

No, each voucher is valid for one stay. Additional vouchers are required for extended stays.

  Are there any restrictions on voucher use?

Vouchers are subject to terms and conditions, including expiration dates and
participating hotels.

  How do I receive my Freestays voucher after purchase?

Vouchers are sent via email after purchase. Check your spam/junk folders if you do
not receive it.

  Can I get a refund for an unused voucher?

Vouchers are Non-Refundable, but they can be transferred to another person.